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Ethan's Story

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Images Captured By Lindsay Hood Photography

Meet Tiny Light Ethan. This determined Tiny Light revels in all his accomplishments.  After recently learning to walk, the sky is now the limit for Ethan.
Shortly after Ethan was born, he was diagnosed with Down syndrome and an atrioventricular  septal defect – three small holes in his heart. For the first six months of his life, he was on oxygen and is still currently awaiting surgery to repair the holes. In addition to these diagnoses, Ethan also suffers from acid reflux and sleep apnea. Ethan’s parents say that the hardest part of their journey so far is anticipating the heart surgery - knowing that their son will have to go through that is the most difficult aspect to overcome.
Despite the medical and emotional challenges, Ethan’s parents would not trade their journey for the world, as they say “he is such a happy little guy and it is a joy to be his parents.” They credit his diagnoses with allowing them to slow down in life and “...enjoy every minute.”
As a note to others with children facing similar diagnoses, Ethan’s parents state that it is not always a bad thing and to not “...worry about the medical problems, they will pass but your little one will bring you more happiness than you can ever imagine.”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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